- 区块链智能合约的并发控制研究 [pdf] 作者:张安 发表:CNKI 关键词:区块链 智能合约 事务并发控制 多版本事务排序 年份:2018
2021-04-15 11:21:18
- Solutions for concurrency conflict problem on Hyperledger Fabric [pdf] 作者:Lu Xu1 ·Wei Chen1 ·Zhixu Li1 发表:Special Issue on Web Information Systems Engineering 关键词:Blockchain · Hyperledger fabric · Concurrency · Locking mechanism · Caching mechanism 年份:2019
摘要:A Hyperledger Fabric is a popular permissioned blockchain platform and has great com-
mercial application prospects. However, the limited transaction throughput of Hyperledger
Fabric hampers its performance, especially when transactions with concurrency conflicts
are initiated. In this paper, we focus on transactions with concurrency conflicts and propose
solutions to optimize the performance of Hyperledger Fabric. Firstly, we propose a novel
method LMLS to improve the Write-Write Conflict. This method introduces a lock mech-
anism in the transaction flow to enable some conflicting transactions to be marked at the
beginning of the transaction process. And indexes are added to conflicting transactions to
optimize the storage of the ledger. Secondly, we propose a cache-based method to improve
the Read-Write Conflict. The cache is used to speed up reading data, and a cache log is
added to Hyperledger Fabric to ensure the data consistency. Extensive experiments demon-
strate that the proposed novel methods can significantly increase transaction throughput
in the case of concurrency conflicts, and maintain high efficiency in transactions without
concurrency conflicts.
2021-04-15 11:18:28
- Parallel Hash-Mark-Set on the Ethereum Blockchain [pdf] 作者:Zachary Painter,Pradeep Kumar Gayam 发表:IEEE ICBC 关键词:Blockchain 年份:2020
摘要:Popular blockchains such as Bitcoin or Ethereum
provide a transaction isolation level of READ-COMMITTED.
This provides difficulties when state changes many times per
block interval. Hash-Mark-Set (HMS) alleviates this problem by
enabling READ-UNCOMMITTED transactions for state variables.
However, the current HMS implementation relies on a sequen-
tial algorithm and is susceptible to redundant calculations. As
modern processors rely more heavily on parallel algorithms to
leverage multiple cores for speedup, sequential algorithms see
less benefit from hardware improvements. This paper proposes
a lock-free HMS to make use of thread-safe techniques and
other optimizations to improve the performance of the HMS
algorithm and reduce the latency of read-uncommitted state
variable accesses. In our experiments, the proposed algorithm
experiences an average 6.4x increase in performance up to 128
go-routines, and a maximum 11.1x increase.
2021-04-15 11:16:52
- A Platform Architecture for Multi-Tenant Blockchain-Based Systems [pdf] 作者:Ingo Weber, Qinghua Lu, An Binh Tran, Amit Deshmukh, Marek Gorski, Markus Strazds 发表:IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA) 关键词:software architecture, blockchain, smart contract, multi-tenant, Merkle tree 年份:2019
摘要:Blockchain has attracted a broad range of interests
from start-ups, enterprises and governments to build next generation
applications in a decentralized manner. Similar to cloud
platforms, a single blockchain-based system may need to serve
multiple tenants simultaneously. However, design of multi-tenant
blockchain-based systems is challenging to architects in terms
of data and performance isolation, as well as scalability. First,
tenants must not be able to read other tenants’ data and tenants
with potentially higher workload should not affect read/write
performance of other tenants. Second, multi-tenant blockchainbased
systems usually require both scalability for each individual
tenant and scalability with number of tenants. Therefore, in this
paper, we propose a scalable platform architecture for multitenant
blockchain-based systems to ensure data integrity while
maintaining data privacy and performance isolation. In the proposed
architecture, each tenant has an individual permissioned
blockchain to maintain their own data and smart contracts. All
tenant chains are anchored into a main chain, in a way that
minimizes cost and load overheads. The proposed architecture
has been implemented in a proof-of-concept prototype with
our industry partner, Laava ID Pty Ltd (Laava). We evaluate
our proposal in a three-fold way: fulfilment of the identified
requirements, qualitative comparison with design alternatives,
and quantitative analysis. The evaluation results show that the
proposed architecture can achieve data integrity, performance
isolation, data privacy, configuration flexibility, availability, cost
efficiency and scalability.
2021-04-15 11:15:58
- Scalable Blockchain Based Smart Contract Execution [pdf] 作者:Zhimin Gao, Lei Xu, Lin Chen 发表:IEEE 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems 关键词:smart contract, blockchain, scalability 年份:2017
摘要:Blockchain, or distributed ledger, provides a way to
build various decentralized systems without relying on any single
trusted party. This is especially attractive for smart contracts,
that different parties do not need to trust each other to have
a contract, and the distributed ledger can guarantee correct
execution of the contract. Most existing distributed ledger based
smart contract systems process smart contracts in a serial
manner, i.e., all users have to run a contract before its result
can be accepted by the system. Although this approach is easy
to implement and manage, it is not scalable and greatly limits
the system’s capability of handling a large number of smart
contracts. In order to address this problem, we propose a scalable
smart contract execution scheme that can run multiple smart
contract in parallel to improve throughput of the system. Our
scheme relies on two key techniques: a fair contract partition
algorithm leveraging integer linear programming to partition
a set of smart contracts into multiple subsets, and a random
assignment protocol assigning subsets randomly to a subgroup
of users. We prove that, our scheme is secure as long as more
than 50% of the computational power is possessed by honest
nodes. We then conduct experiments with data from existing
smart contract system to evaluate the efficiency of our scheme.
The results demonstrate that our approach is scalable and much
more efficient than the existing smart contract platform.
2021-04-15 11:12:59
- Lockless Transaction Isolation in Hyperledger Fabric [pdf] 作者:Hagar Meir, Artem Barger, Yacov Manevich, Yoav Tock 发表:IEEE International Conference on Blockchain 关键词:blockchain, concurrency-control 年份:2019
摘要:Hyperledger Fabric is a distributed operating system
for permissioned blockchains hosted by the Linux Foundation.
It is the first truly extensible blockchain system for running
distributed applications at enterprise grade scale. To achieve
this, Hyperledger Fabric introduces a novel execute-order-
validate blockchain architecture, allowing parallelization of
transaction execution and validation. However, this raises the
need for transaction isolation. Today transaction isolation is
attained by locking the entire state database during simulation
of transactions and database updates. This lock is one of the
major performance bottlenecks as observed by previous work.
This work presents a new lock-free approach for providing
transaction isolation. It harnesses the already existing version-
ing of key-value pairs in the database, used primarily for
a read-write conflict detection during the validation phase,
to create a version-based snapshot isolation. We further im-
plement and evaluate our new approach. We show that our
solution outperforms the current implementation by 8.1x and
that it is comparable to the optimal solution where no isolation
mechanism is applied.
2021-04-15 11:10:58
- A flexible method to defend against computationally resourceful miners in blockchain proof of work [pdf] 作者:Wei Ren , Jingjing Hu, Tianqing Zhu, Yi Ren, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo 发表:Information Sciences, 2020 - Elsevier 关键词:Pow, Blockchain, Hash, ASICs 年份:2020
摘要:Blockchain is well known as a decentralized and distributed public digital ledger, and is currently used by most cryptocurrencies to record transactions. One of the fundamental differences between blockchain and traditional distributed systems is that blockchain’s de- centralization relies on consensus protocols, such as proof of work (PoW). However, com- putation systems, such as application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) machines, have re- cently emerged that are specifically designed for PoW computation and may compromise a decentralized system within a short amount of time. These computationally resource- ful miners challenge the very nature of blockchain, with potentially serious consequences. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a general and flexible PoW method that enforces memory usage. Specifically, the proposed method blocks computationally resourceful min- ers and retains the previous design logic without requiring one to replace the original hash function. We also propose the notion of a memory intensive function (MIF) with a mem- ory usage parameter k ( k MIF ). Our scheme comprises three algorithms that construct a k MIF Hash by invoking any available hash function which is not k MIF to protect against ASICs, and then thwarts the pre-computation of hash results over a nonce. We then de- sign experiments to evaluate memory changes in these three algorithms, and the find- ings demonstrate that enforcing memory usage in a blockchain can be an effective defense against computationally resourceful miners.
2021-04-15 11:08:44
- Optimizing Validation Phase of Hyperledger Fabric [pdf] 作者:Haris Javaid∗ Chengchen Hu∗ 发表:MASCOTS 关键词:Blockchain,databases 年份:2019
摘要:Blockchain technologies are on the rise, and Hyper-
ledger Fabric is one of the most popular permissioned blockchain
platforms. In this paper, we re-architect the validation phase of
Fabric based on our analysis from fine-grained breakdown of the
validation phase’s latency. Our optimized validation phase uses a
chaincode cache during validation of transactions, initiates state
database reads in parallel with validation of transactions, and
writes to the ledger and databases in parallel. Our experiments
reveal performance improvements of 2×for CouchDB and 1.3×
for LevelDB. Notably, our optimizations can be adopted in a
future release of Hyperledger Fabric.
2021-04-15 11:08:12
- A Scale-out Blockchain for Value Transfer with Spontaneous Sharding [pdf] 作者:Zhijie Ren, Kelong Cong, Taico V. Aerts, Bart. A.P. de Jonge, Alejandro F. Morais,Zekeriya Erkin 发表:IEEE 关键词: 年份:2018
摘要:Bitcoin, as well as many of its successors, require the
whole transaction record to be reliably acquired by all nodes to
prevent double-spending. Recently, many blockchains have been
proposed to achieve scale-out throughput by letting nodes only
acquire a fraction of the whole transaction set. However, these
schemes, e.g., sharding and off-chain techniques, suffer from a
degradation in decentralization or the capacity of fault tolerance.
In this paper, we show that the complete set of transactions
is not a necessity for the prevention of double-spending if
the properties of value transfers is fully explored. In other
words, we show that a value-transfer ledger like Bitcoin has the
potential to scale-out by its nature without sacrificing security
or decentralization. Firstly, we give a formal definition for the
value-transfer ledger and its distinct features from a generic
database. Then, we introduce the blockchain structure with
a shared main chain for consensus and an individual chain
for each node for recording transactions. A locally executable
validation scheme is proposed with uncompromising validity and
consistency. A beneficial consequence of our design is that nodes
will spontaneously try to reduce their transmission cost by only
providing the transactions needed to show that their transactions
are not double spend. As a result, the network is sharded as each
node only acquires part of the transaction record and a scaleout
2021-04-15 11:07:12
- Concurrency Protocol Aiming at High Performance of Execution and Replay for Smart Contracts [pdf] 作者:Shuaifeng Pang, Xiaodong Qi, 发表:IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering 关键词:Blockchain, Smart Contract, Concurrency 年份:2019
摘要:Although the emergence of the programmable smart
contract makes blockchain systems easily embrace a wider range
of industrial areas, how to execute smart contracts efficiently
becomes a big challenge nowadays. Due to the existence of
Byzantine nodes, the mechanism of executing smart contracts is
quite different from that in database systems, so that existing
successful concurrency control protocols in database systems
cannot be employed directly. Moreover, even though smart
contract execution follows a two-phase style, i.e, the miner node
executes a batch of smart contracts in the first phase and the
validators replay them in the second phase, existing parallel
solutions only focus on the optimization in the first phase, but
not including the second phase.
In this paper, we propose a novel efficient concurrency control
scheme which is the first one to do optimization in both phases.
Specifically, (i) in the first phase, we give a variant of OCC
(Optimistic Concurrency Control) protocol based on batching
feature to improve the concurrent execution efficiency for the
miner and produce a schedule log with high parallelism for
validators. Also, a graph partition algorithm is devised to divide
the original schedule log into small pieces and further reduce the
communication cost; and (ii) in the second phase, we give a deter-
ministic OCC protocol to replay all smart contracts efficiently on
multi-core validators where all cores can replay smart contracts
independently. Theoretical analysis and extensive experimental
results illustrate that the proposed scheme outperforms state-of-
art solutions significantly.
2021-04-15 11:04:30
- Smart Contracts for Smart Supply Chains [pdf] 作者:Gunnar Prause 发表:IFAC PapersOnLine 52-13 (2019) 2501–2506 关键词:Smart Contracts, Blockchain, Smart Supply Chains, Industry 4.0 年份:2019
摘要:A smart contract is an electronic transaction protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or
enforce the negotiation and execution of the terms of an underlying legal contract designed to fulfil
common contractual conditions comprising payments, legal obligations, and enforcement without third
parties. Thus, by following the traditional perception, smart contracts target to reduce transaction costs
including arbitration and enforcement costs by realising trackable and irreversible transactions by using
blockchain technology for distributed databases. However, the potential of smart contracts goes far
beyond cost reductions by facilitating the entrepreneurial collaboration of cross-organisational businessprocesses that are characteristic for smart supply chains. A closer look to existing or ongoing smart
contract projects reveals that the majority of smart-contract applications in business life are linked to
supply chain management, Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 solutions.
The author participated in several EU projects related to transnational entrepreneurial networks and smart
supply chains. Thus, the paper discusses the research question of how and to which extent smart
contracting and blockchain technology can facilitate the implementation of collaborative business
structures for sustainable entrepreneurial activities in smart supply chains. The research is based on
expert interviews, surveys and case studies, which took place in the context of the EU projects with a
focus on the Baltic Sea Region.
2021-04-15 11:01:31
- Blurring the Lines between Blockchains and Database Systems: the Case of Hyperledger Fabric [pdf] 作者:Ankur Sharma,Felix Martin Schuhknecht,Divya Agrawal,Jens Dittrich 发表:SIGMOD 关键词:Information systems,Distributed database trans- actions; 年份:2019
摘要:Within the last few years, a countless number of blockchain
systems have emerged on the market, each one claiming to
revolutionize the way of distributed transaction processing
in one way or the other. Many blockchain features, such as
byzantine fault tolerance, are indeed valuable additions in
modern environments. However, despite all the hype around
the technology, many of the challenges that blockchain sys-
tems have to face are fundamental transaction management
problems. These are largely shared with traditional database
systems, which have been around for decades already.
These similarities become especially visible for systems,
that blur the lines between blockchain systems and classical
database systems. A great example of this is Hyperledger
Fabric, an open-source permissioned blockchain system un-
der development by IBM. By implementing parallel trans-
action processing, Fabric’s workfow is highly motivated
by optimistic concurrency control mechanisms in classical
database systems. This raises two questions: (1) Which con-
ceptual similarities and diferences do actually exist between
a system such as Fabric and a classical distributed database
system? (2) Is it possible to improve on the performance of
Fabric by transitioning technology from the database world
to blockchains and thus blurring the lines between these two
types of systems even further? To tackle these questions, we
frst explore Fabric from the perspective of database research,
where we observe weaknesses in the transaction pipeline.
We then solve these issues by transitioning well-understood
database concepts to Fabric, namely transaction reordering as well as early transaction abort. Our experimental eval-
uation under the Smallbank benchmark as well as under a
custom workload shows that our improved version Fabric++
signifcantly increases the throughput of successful transac-
tions over the vanilla version by up to a factor of 12x, while
decreasing the average latency to almost half.
2021-04-15 10:58:06
- Scalable and Privacy-preserving Design of On/Off-chain Smart Contracts [pdf] 作者:Chao Li, Balaji Palanisamy, Runhua Xu 发表:IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW) 关键词: 年份:2019
摘要:TheriseofsmartcontractsystemssuchasEthereum has resulted in a proliferation of blockchain-based decentralized applications including applications that store and manage a wide range of data. Current smart contracts are designed to be executed solely by miners and are revealed entirely on-chain, resulting in reduced scalability and privacy. In this paper, we discuss that scalability and privacy of smart contracts can be enhanced by splitting a given contract into an off-chain contract and an on-chain contract. Specifically, functions of the contract that involve high-cost computation or sensitive information can be split and included as the off-chain contract, that is signed and executed by only the interested participants. The proposed approach allows the participants to reach unanimous agreement off-chain when all of them are honest, allowing computing resources of miners to be saved and content of the off-chain contract to be hidden from the public. In case of a dispute caused by any dishonest participants, a signed copy of the offchain contract can be revealed so that a verified instance can be created to make miners enforce the true execution result. Thus, honest participants have the ability to redress and penalize any fraudulent or dishonest behavior, which incentivizes all participants to honestly follow the agreed off-chain contract. We discuss techniques for splitting a contract into a pair of on/off-chain contracts and propose a mechanism to address the challenges of handling dishonest participants in the system. Our implementation and evaluation of the proposed approach using an example smart contract demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in Ethereum.
2021-04-15 10:56:59
- 比特币区块链扩容技术研究 [pdf] 作者:喻辉,张宗洋,刘建伟 发表:计算机研究与发展 关键词:比特币;区块链;扩容;见证隔离;闪电网络 年份:2017
摘要:比特币是中本聪(Nakamoto)于2008年提出的数字货币,它具有去中心化、跨国界和发行总量 固定等特性,现在已经成为使用最广泛的数字货币之一.然而,比特币设计初期的一些人为限制,导致现 有网络处理交易的速率十分有限,最近交易处理能力已经接近上限,交易确认时间显著增加.这不仅严 重影响比特币的使用体验,进而限制使用范围,而且对比特币的设计提出更高的要求.针对比特币所面 临的交易处理性能挑战,以提升区块链容量为目标对比特币展开深入研究.首先,分析比特币当前网络 状态,根据比特币交易数据,统计交易延迟情况;其次,针对链上扩容方案,分析可行性,研究扩容效果;再次,针对链下扩容方案,分析作用原理,研究扩容效果;最后,分析链上/链下扩容方案优缺点,提出适 应社区的可行的比特币扩容路线方案.最新比特币扩容的进展进一步证明了我们结论的正确性。
2021-04-15 10:51:51
- A Novel Decentralized Blockchain Networks Model with High Concurrency* [pdf] 作者:Linghao Zhang,Bingde Lu,Tao Zhao,Hongjun Wang 发表:IEEE 关键词:Index Terms—blokchain, decentralization blockchain, high concurrency, encrypted transaction 年份:2019
摘要:Blockchain is very important in finance field and
electronic business field, so many researchers are attracted to
study the technologies of blockchain. Since the transactions in
blockchain takes much time, and they make the blockchain
poor efficiency, business processes across organizations require
the transactions as soon as possible. Concurrency is attracted
much attention and is very important in blockchain field. In this
paper, a novel decentralized blockchain network model with high
concurrency is proposed. First, the idea of the proposed model is
stated. Second, the high concurrency blockchain network model
is proposed. Third, the corresponding algorithms are designed
according to the proposed model. Furthermore, the experiment
is conduced and the results show that proposed model works
2021-04-15 10:50:54