- Query Support for Data Processing and Analysis on Ethereum Blockchain [pdf] 作者:Fariz Azmi Pratama,Kusprasapta Mutijarsa 发表:IEEE 关键词:blockchain, query, Ethereum, cloud storage 年份:2018
摘要:Blockchain technology has gained immense popular-
ity because many researchers believe that it could solve numerous
problems and could be applied in various fields of study.
Unfortunately, behind its potentials, blockchain also possessed
many challenges and limitations. The highlighted problem is
the usability aspect of blockchain technology examined from
developer and user perspective. This paper tried to address
this problem by proposing query functionalities, with the help
of query layer system, to facilitate the developer and the user
to access blockchain data easily. There are three main query
functionalities that will be discussed in this paper: (1) finding
blockchain data based on multiple search parameters (retrieval
query), (2) providing simple statistical analysis from a collection
of blockchain data (aggregate query) and (3) sorting blockchain
data according to its blockchain component (ranking query).
For the implementation stage, Ethereum is used as platform to
provide blockchain network, MongoDB is used as cloud storage
service and REST API is used as web services. For the testing
stage, throughput and time response are used to evaluate the
performance of the developed query functionalities in the query
layer system. The results are: (1) the throughput of query layer
system is lower than Ethereum service for blockchain data
retrieval and (2) the time response of query layer system is
affected by the number of thread and the amount of data stored
in cloud storage.
2021-04-15 16:15:23
- On Building Efficient Temporal Indexes on Hyperledger Fabric [pdf] 作者:Himanshu Gupta, Sandeep Hans, Sameep Mehta, Praveen Jayachandran 发表:IEEE 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing 关键词:Blockchain 年份:2018
摘要:We discuss the problem of constructing efficient
temporal indexes on Hyperledger Fabric, a popular Blockchain
platform. The temporal nature of the data inserted by Fabric
transactions can be leveraged to support various use-cases. This
requires that temporal queries be processed efficiently on this
data. Currently this presents significant challenges as this data
is organized on file-system, is exposed via limited API and does
not support temporal indexes.
In a prior work [1], we presented two models for creating
temporal indexes on Fabric which overcome these limitations
and improve the performance of temporal queries on Fabric.
The first model creates a copy of each event inserted and stores
temporally close events together on Fabric. The second model
keeps the event count intact but tags metadata to each event s.t.
temporally close events share the same metadata.
In this paper, we present variants on these two models which
are better able to handle the skew present in Fabric data. We
discuss the details and show that these variants significantly
outperform the approaches presented in [1] when Fabric data
contains skew. We also discuss the performance tradeoffs among
these variants across various dimensions - data storage, query
performance, event insertion time etc.
2021-04-15 16:13:16
- 区块链系统中的分布式数据管理技术-挑战与 展望 [pdf] 作者:于戈,聂铁铮,李晓华,张岩峰,申德荣,鲍玉斌 发表:计算机学报 关键词:区块链;分布式数据管理;数据存储;查询处理 年份:2019
2021-04-15 16:09:53
- 区块链与可信数据管理: 问题与方法 [pdf] 作者:钱卫宁,邵奇峰,朱燕超,金澈清,周傲英 发表:软件学报 关键词:区块链 ; 可信数据管理;智能合约;数据溯源;分布式共识 年份:2018
区块链在金融领域得到了广泛关注. 区块链实现
高延迟和低呑吐率的性能问题. 在互联网技术发展、新型应用层出不穷的大背景下,借鉴区块链在数字加密货币应
, 并设计、实现系统
是学术界所面临的重要问题. 从可信数据管
2021-04-15 16:07:07
- 区块链数据分析:现状/趋势与挑战 [pdf] 作者:陈伟利,郑子彬 发表:计算机研究与发展 关键词:区块链;数据分析;比特币;以太坊;智能合约 年份:2018
2021-04-15 16:02:08
- 针对区块链应用的查询优化模型 [pdf] 作者:王泓机,戴炳荣,李超,张绍 发表:计算机工程与应用 关键词:区块链;智能合约;ETL流程;查询优化 年份:2019
询、访问需求。针对以上问题,结合ETL 流程与区块链自身特点,提出一种区块链应用查询优化流程模型ETLVQ
2021-04-15 15:47:59
- Factors that Impact Blockchain Scalability [pdf] 作者:Peter W. Eklund; Roman Beck 发表:Association for Computing Machinery. 关键词:distributed ledger; blockchain; survey of system performance; distributed network scalability. 年份:2019
摘要:Blockchain systems (more precisely Distributed Ledger Technologies
(DLTs)) represent a different digital ecosystem compared with
traditional computer systems. One major difference are the performance
and scalability factors which will be discussed and analytically
investigated in this paper. In doing so, we provide guidance for
defining a research agenda focusing on the investigation of the crucial
role of scalability for blockchain systems. System performance
– measured in terms of (1) consensus response time (blockchain
network latency or time to convergence/agreement); (2) number
of transactions per second or throughput, and (3) computing (and
power) resources consumed – can be understood by considering the
design dimensions of a blockchain system, namely: (i) the type of
blockchain system needed from a requirements perspective which
in turn determines; (ii) the complexity of the consensus protocol
used; (iii) the topography of the traffic flow on the network; (iv) the
performance and complexity of the domain-specific language that
implements smart contracts; and (v) by the anticipated growth in
size and complexity of the distributed ledger itself.
2021-04-15 15:43:28
- 区块链可扩展性研究:问题与方法 [pdf] 作者:潘晨, 刘志强, 刘振,龙宇 发表:计算机研究与发展 关键词:区块链;可扩展性;链下支付通道;Bitcoin-NG;分片机制;跨链技术 年份:2018
2021-04-15 15:37:21
- 区块链吞吐率提升研究 [pdf] 作者:潘业达,陈恭亮,郭乃网 发表:通信技术 关键词:区块链;吞吐率;安全;扩展性 年份:2019
的低吞吐率无法满足现实生产的需要。例如,理论上,比特币是7 TPS,以太坊是15 TPS,而传统
2021-04-15 15:34:29
- A Multiple Blockchains Architecture On Inter-Blockchain Communication [pdf] 作者:Kan Luo,Wei Yu,Siyuan Wang,LingChao Gao,Kai Hu 发表:IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion 关键词:Blockchain, Multi-chain, Scalability, Routing 年份:2018
摘要:Blockchain is a new technology for data sharing
between untrusted peers. However, it does not work well with
massive transactions. Besides, there are high barriers between
heterogeneous blockchain systems. In this paper, we proposed an
innovative component-based framework for exchanging
information across arbitrary blockchain system called interactive
multiple blockchain architecture. In our architecture, a dynamic
network of multi-chain is created for inter-blockchain
communication. We propose the inter-blockchain connection
model for routing management and messages transferring.
Additionally, our proposed protocols provide transactions with
atomicity and consistency in crossing-chain scene. In the end, our
experiment results based on a network of private multiple
blockchain systems show that the throughput is increased by a
number of chains parallel running.
2021-04-15 15:32:13
- 基于符号执行的智能合约漏洞检测方案 [pdf] 作者:赵伟,张问银,王九如 发表:计算机应用 关键词:区块链;智能合约;符号执行;漏洞分析;以太坊 年份:2019
利用约束求解器生成软件测试用例,检测常见的整型溢出,权限控制,Call 注入,重入攻击等智能合约漏洞。实验结果表明,
检测方案具有良好的检测效果,智能合约漏洞检测正确率达 85%
2021-04-15 13:27:38
- ZEUS: Analyzing Safety of Smart Contracts [pdf] 作者:Sukrit Kalra,Seep Goel 发表:NDSS 关键词:Blockchain 年份:2018
摘要:A smart contract is hard to patch for bugs once it is
deployed, irrespective of the money it holds. A recent bug caused
losses worth around $50 million of cryptocurrency. We present
ZEUS—a framework to verify the correctness and validate the
fairness of smart contracts. We consider correctness as adherence
to safe programming practices, while fairness is adherence to
agreed upon higher-level business logic. ZEUS leverages both
abstract interpretation and symbolic model checking, along with
the power of constrained horn clauses to quickly verify contracts
for safety. We have built a prototype of ZEUS for Ethereum
and Fabric blockchain platforms, and evaluated it with over
22.4K smart contracts. Our evaluation indicates that about 94.6%
of contracts (containing cryptocurrency worth more than $0.5
billion) are vulnerable. ZEUS is sound with zero false negatives
and has a low false positive rate, with an order of magnitude
improvement in analysis time as compared to prior art.
2021-04-15 13:26:36
- Under-Optimized Smart Contracts Devour Your Money [pdf] 作者:Ting Chen,Xiaoqi Li 发表:Computer Society 关键词:Blockchain 年份:2018
摘要:Smart contracts are full-fledged programs that
run on blockchains (e.g., Ethereum, one of the most popular
blockchains). In Ethereum, gas (in Ether, a cryptographic curren-
cy like Bitcoin) is the execution fee compensating the computing
resources of miners for running smart contracts. However, we
find that under-optimized smart contracts cost more gas than
necessary, and therefore the creators or users will be overcharged.
In this work, we conduct the first investigation on Solidity, the
recommended compiler, and reveal that it fails to optimize gas-
costly programming patterns. In particular, we identify 7 gas-
costly patterns and group them to 2 categories. Then, we propose
and develop GASPER, a new tool for automatically locating gas-
costly patterns by analyzing smart contracts’ bytecodes. The
preliminary results on discovering 3 representative patterns from
4,240 real smart contracts show that 93.5%, 90.1% and 80%
contracts suffer from these 3 patterns, respectively.
2021-04-15 13:24:47
- (State of) The Art of War: Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis [pdf] 作者:Yan Shoshitaishvili, Ruoyu Wang, Christopher Salls 发表:Symposium on Security and Privacy 关键词:Blockchain 年份:2016
摘要:Finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in binary
code is a challenging task. The lack of high-level, semantically
rich information about data structures and control constructs
makes the analysis of program properties harder to scale.
However, the importance of binary analysis is on the rise. In
many situations binary analysis is the only possible way to prove
(or disprove) properties about the code that is actually executed.
In this paper, we present a binary analysis framework that
implements a number of analysis techniques that have been
proposed in the past. We present a systematized implementation
of these techniques, which allows other researchers to
compose them and develop new approaches. In addition, the
implementation of these techniques in a unifying framework
allows for the direct comparison of these approaches and
the identification of their advantages and disadvantages. The
evaluation included in this paper is performed using a recent
dataset created by DARPA for evaluating the effectiveness of
binary vulnerability analysis techniques.
Our framework has been open-sourced and is available to
the security community.
2021-04-15 13:23:20
- SmartInspect: Solidity Smart Contract Inspector [pdf] 作者:Santiago Bragagnolo, Henrique Rocha 发表:IEEE 关键词:Blockchain, Inspecting, Solidity, Smart Con- tracts 年份:2018
摘要:Solidity is a language used for smart contracts on the
Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts are embedded procedures
stored with the data they act upon. Debugging smart contracts is
a really difficult task since once deployed, the code cannot be re-
executed and inspecting a simple attribute is not easily possible
because data is encoded. In this paper, we address the lack of
inspectability of a deployed contract by analyzing contract state
using decompilation techniques driven by the contract structure
definition. Our solution, SmartInspect, also uses a mirror-based
architecture to represent locally object responsible for the in-
terpretation of the contract state. SmartInspect allows contract
developers to better visualize and understand the contract stored
state without needing to redeploy, nor develop any ad-hoc code.
2021-04-15 13:22:04