- An Overview of Smart Contract: Architecture, Applications, and Future Trends [pdf] 作者:Shuai Wang1,2, Yong Yuan*1,3 (Corresponding author, Senior Member, IEEE), Xiao Wang1,3, Juanjuan Li1,3 , Rui Qin1,3 , Fei-Yue Wang1,3,4(Fellow, IEEE) 发表:2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 关键词:smart contract; Ethereum; ACP approach; parallel blockchain 年份:2018
摘要:With the rapid development of cryptocurrency
and its underlying blockchain technologies, platforms such as
Ethereum and Hyperledger began to support various types of
smart contracts. Smart contracts are computer protocols
intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation
or performance of a contract. Smart contracts have broad range
of applications, such as financial services, prediction markets
and Internet of Things (IoT), etc. However, there are still many
challenges such as security issues and privacy disclosure that
await future research. In this paper, we present a
comprehensive overview on blockchain powered smart
contracts. First, we give a systematic introduction for smart
contracts, including the basic framework, operating
mechanisms, platforms and programming languages. Second,
application scenarios and existing challenges are discussed.
Finally, we describe the recent advances of smart contract and
present its future development trends, e.g., parallel blockchain.
This paper is aimed at providing helpful guidance and reference
for future research efforts.
2021-04-16 09:59:34
- Blockchain and edge computing–based architecture for participatory smart city applications [pdf] 作者:Zaheer Khan,Abdul Ghafoor Abbasi,Zeeshan Pervez 发表:Concurrency Computat Pract Exper 关键词:distributed ledger, edge computing, open governance, privacy, smart cities, trust 年份:2019
摘要:Smart cities aim to provide smart governance with the emphasis on gaining high transparency
and trust in public services and enabling citizen participation in decision making processes.
This means on the one hand data generated from urban transactions need to be open and
trustworthy. On the other hand, security and privacy of public data needs to be handled
at different administrative and geographical levels. In this paper, we investigate the pivotal
role of blockchain in providing privacy, self-verification, authentication, and authorization of
participatory transactions in open governance. We also investigate up to what extent edge
computing can contribute towardmanagement of permissioned sharing at specific administrative
levels and enhance privacy and provide an economic approach for resource utilization in a
distributed environment. We introduce a novel architecture that is based on distributed hybrid
ledger and edge computing model. The architecture provides refined and secure management
of data generated and processed in different geographical and administrative units of a city.
We implemented a proof of concept of the architecture and applied it on a carefully designed
use case, ie, citizen participation in administrative decisions through consensus. This use case
highlights the need to keep and process citizen participation data at local level by deploying
district chaincodes and only share consensus results through permissioned chaincodes. The
results reveal that proposed architecture is scalable and provide secure and privacy protected
environment for citizen participatory applications. Our performance test results are promising
and show that under control conditions, the average registration time for a citizen transaction is
about 42ms, whilst the validation and result compilation of 100 concurrent citizens' transactions
took about 2.4 seconds.
2021-04-16 09:57:58
- An overview on smart contracts: Challenges, advances and platforms [pdf] 作者:Zibin Zheng , Shaoan Xie , Hong-Ning Dai , Weili Chen , Xiangping Chen , Jian Weng , Muhammad Imran 发表:Future Generation Computer Systems 105 (2020) 475–491 关键词:Smart contract Blockchain Cryptocurrency Decentralization 年份:2020
摘要:Smart contract technology is reshaping conventional industry and business processes. Being embedded in blockchains, smart contracts enable the contractual terms of an agreement to be enforced
automatically without the intervention of a trusted third party. As a result, smart contracts can cut
down administration and save services costs, improve the efficiency of business processes and reduce
the risks. Although smart contracts are promising to drive the new wave of innovation in business
processes, there are a number of challenges to be tackled. This paper presents a survey on smart
contracts. We first introduce blockchains and smart contracts. We then present the challenges in smart
contracts as well as recent technical advances. We also compare typical smart contract platforms and
give a categorization of smart contract applications along with some representative examples.
2021-04-16 09:57:25
- 智能合约 :架构及进展 [pdf] 作者:欧阳丽炜 王帅 袁勇 倪晓春 王飞跃 发表:自 动 化 学 报 关键词:区块链 , 智能 合约, 运行 机制 , 基础架构, 平行 区 块链 年份:2019
摘要:智 能合 约是 一种 无需 中 介 、 自 我验证 、 自 动执行合约条款 的计算机交易 协议 , 近年来 随着 区块链技术 的 日 益普及而 备 受关 注 区 块链上 的智 能合 约具有去 中 心化 、 去信 任 、 可编程 、 不可篡 改等特 性 , 可灵活嵌入各种数据 和 资产, 帮 助实现安全 高效 的信息交 换、 价值转移和 资产管理, 最 终 有望深入变革传统商业模 式和 社 会生产 关 系 , 为构建可编程 资产 、 系 统和 社会奠 定基础 本文致力于 以 区块链智 能合约为研究对象 , 对 已 有的 研究成果进行全面梳理和 系 统概述 , 提 出 了 智 能合约 的基础架构 模 型并以 此为研究框架 阐 述了 智 能合约 的 运行 机制 与基 础架构, 总结 了 智 能 合约的 研究挑 战 与进展, 介绍 了 智 能合 约 的技术 优势与典型应用 领域 , 讨 论了 智能 合约的 发展 趋势, 以期 为智能 合约 的后续研究提供参考
2021-04-16 09:54:15
- 智慧健康研究综述: 从云端到边缘的系统 [pdf] 作者:邱宇,王持,齐开悦,沈耀,李超,过敏意 发表:计算机研究与发展 关键词:smart health; cloud computing; fog computing; sensor; blockchain; privacy and security; survey 年份:2019
摘要:Smart Health is a real-time, intelligent, ubiquitous healthcare service based on the IoT aware network and sensing
infrastructure. Thanks to the rapid development of related technologies such as cloud computing, fog computing and IoT, research on
smart health is gradually on the right track. This paper analyzes research on smart health in recent years and then discusses the
development of smart health from both cloud and edge, including cloud computing, fog computing, IoT sensors, blockchain, and privacy
and security. At present, in the research of cloud and smart health, the focus is on how to use the cloud to complete the challenges of
massive health data and improve service performance, including related issues such as storage, retrieval and calculation of health big
data in the cloud. At the edge, research focuses on the collection, transmission, and computation of health data, including sensors and
wearable devices for collecting health data, various sensor networks, and how to process health data and improve service performance at
the edge. As an emerging technology, blockchain has a wide range of applications in smart health. We discuss typical smart health
application, blockchain in smart health and privacy and security issues related to smart health. Finally, we present challenges and
opportunities for smart health in the edge computing era.
2021-04-16 09:52:19
- 面向合同的智能合约的形式化定义及参考实现 [pdf] 作者:王璞巍 杨航天 , 孟 佶 , 陈晋川 杜小勇 发表:软件学报 关键词:区块链;智能合约;以太坊;超级账本 年份:2019
能合约实现方法.在目前广泛应用的联盟链区块链平台 Hyperledger Fabric 上面进行了具体实现.最后对未来工作进
2021-04-16 09:52:13
- 基于区块链的智能合约技术与应用综述 [pdf] 作者:贺海武1 延 安2 陈泽华3 发表:计算机研究与发展 关键词:智能合约;区块链;以太坊;分布式应用;形式化方法;众筹合约 年份:2018
2021-04-16 09:50:47
- LSB: A Lightweight Scalable Blockchain for IoT security and anonymity [pdf] 作者:Ali Dorri ,Salil S. Kanhere,Raja Jurdak , Praveen Gauravaram 发表:Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 关键词:Internet of Things;Blockchain; Security; Smart home 年份:2019
摘要:In recent years, Blockchain has attracted tremendous attention due to its salient features including
auditability, immutability, security, and anonymity. Resulting from these salient features, blockchain
has been applied in multiple non-monetary applications including the Internet of Things (IoT). However,
blockchain is computationally expensive, has limited scalability and incurs significant bandwidth
overheads and delays which are not suited for most IoT applications. In this paper, we propose a
Lightweight Scalable blockchain (LSB) that is optimized for IoT requirements while also providing
end-to-end security. Our blockchain instantiation achieves decentralization by forming an overlay
network where high resource devices jointly manage the blockchain. The overlay is organized as
distinct clusters to reduce overheads and the cluster heads are responsible for managing the public
blockchain. We propose a Distributed Time-based Consensus algorithm (DTC) which reduces the
mining processing overhead and delay. Distributed trust approach is employed by the cluster heads to
progressively reduce the processing overhead for verifying new blocks. LSB incorporates a Distributed
Throughput Management (DTM) algorithm which ensures that the blockchain throughput does not
significantly deviate from the cumulative transaction load in the network. We explore our approach
in a smart home setting as a representative example for broader IoT applications. Qualitative arguments
demonstrate that our approach is resilient to several security attacks. Extensive simulations show that
packet overhead and delay are decreased and blockchain scalability is increased compared to relevant
2021-04-16 09:50:45
- Blockchain-Enabled Smart Contracts: Architecture, Applications, and Future Trends [pdf] 作者:Shuai Wang , Liwei Ouyang, Yong Yuan , Senior Member, IEEE, Xiaochun Ni, Xuan Han, and Fei-Yue Wang , Fellow, IEEE 发表:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS: SYSTEMS, VOL. 49, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2019 关键词:Blockchain, parallel blockchain, six-layer architecture, smart contracts. 年份:2019
摘要:In recent years, the rapid development of cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technology has revived
Szabo’s original idea of smart contracts, i.e., computer protocols
that are designed to automatically facilitate, verify, and enforce
the negotiation and implementation of digital contracts without
central authorities. Smart contracts can find a wide spectrum
of potential application scenarios in the digital economy and
intelligent industries, including financial services, management,
healthcare, and Internet of Things, among others, and also have
been integrated into the mainstream blockchain-based development platforms, such as Ethereum and Hyperledger. However,
smart contracts are still far from mature, and major technical
challenges such as security and privacy issues are still awaiting
further research efforts. For instance, the most notorious case
might be “The DAO Attack” in June 2016, which led to more
than $50 million Ether transferred into an adversary’s account.
In this paper, we strive to present a systematic and comprehensive overview of blockchain-enabled smart contracts, aiming
at stimulating further research toward this emerging research
area. We first introduced the operating mechanism and mainstream platforms of blockchain-enabled smart contracts, and
proposed a research framework for smart contracts based on
a novel six-layer architecture. Second, both the technical and
legal challenges, as well as the recent research progresses, are
listed. Third, we presented several typical application scenarios.
Toward the end, we discussed the future development trends
of smart contracts. This paper is aimed at providing helpful
guidance and reference for future research efforts.
2021-04-16 09:49:06
- 基于区块链的物联网数据共享模型 [pdf] 作者:于金刚,张弘,李姝,毛立爽,姬鹏翔 发表:小型微型计算机系统 关键词:区块链; 物联网; Hyperledger Fabric; 数据共享 年份:2019
享数据成为了一个巨大的挑战. 传统的数据共享模型往往依赖于可信的第三方中心化机构,但这种方案易发生单点故障,对参
与方不透明,数据可能遭到篡改. 本文利用区块链能够去中心解决信任问题这一特点,提出一种基于区块链的物联网数据共享
模型. 本文首先分析了现有的物联网数据共享模型以及Hyperledger Fabric 区块链平台的关键组件,然后介绍了本文所述模型的
2021-04-16 09:47:42
- 区块链系统中智能合约技术综述 [pdf] 作者:范吉立 李晓华 聂铁铮 于 戈 发表:计 算 机 科 学 关键词:区块链,去中心化,智能合约,以太坊虚拟机 年份:2019
状和存在的挑战、未来前景等几个方面进行研究和探讨,重点描述了不同智能合约开发语言的特性,以及相互 之 间 的
面的比较;然后,介绍智能合约的研究现状和面临的挑战,从安全性、可扩展性、可维护性等方面进行深入分析;最 后,
2021-04-16 09:47:12
- Systematic Literature Review of Blockchain Applications: Smart Contracts [pdf] 作者:Elva Leka, Besnik Selimi and Luis Lamani 发表:2019 IEEE International Conference on Information Technologies 关键词:blockchain technology; smart contract security; systematic literature review. 年份:2019
摘要:Blockchain technology has received extensive
attention recently, but still a large of technical challenges such
as scalability and security. This paper helps to find where
recent studies have been focused on and offers a broad
perspective relating blockchain applications and smart
contracts, their main problems and corresponding solutions
and will help to specify gaps and future research. The study
extracted 292 articles from top Digital Libraries such as
IEEE, ACM, Science Direct and Springer. After a detailed
review process only 28 publications were considered based on
defined inclusion and exclusion criteria.
2021-04-16 09:46:06
- A Blockchain Proxy for Lightweight IoT Devices [pdf] 作者:Gero Dittmann, Jens Jelitto,Zurich 发表:Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology 关键词:Blockchain; 年份:2019
摘要:IoT devices are quickly becoming a critical source of
information about the physical world considered in business processes.
Blockchains are a promising platform for such processes if
they involve multiple parties with no shared, commonly trusted
IT infrastructure. Transacting with a blockchain, however, requires
software whose footprint overwhelms many lightweight
IoT devices.
In this paper we introduce the concept of a blockchain proxy
to which an IoT device can offload a large part of this software
footprint. The proxy only requires a slim proxy SDK on the device
that holds a regular blockchain identity with its own private key,
retaining full control of the transactions in the device. We discuss
security implications and present cold-chain monitoring as a use
case. Preliminary results show significant savings in CPU time
and communication bandwidth for the IoT device.
2021-04-16 09:45:54
- Smart contract applications within blockchain technology: A systematic mapping study [pdf] 作者:Daniel Macrinici, Cristian Cartofeanu, Shang Gao 发表:Telematics and Informatics 35 (2018) 2337–2354 关键词:Smart contracts Blockchain Cryptocurrency Ethereum Bitcoin Systematic mapping 年份:2018
摘要:With the advent of blockchain, smart contracts have become one of the most sought-after
technologies because of the high customisability they add to transactions. This has given rise to
many smart contract applications in areas ranging from financial services, life sciences and
healthcare to energy resources and voting. However, due to their infancy, smart contracts still
pose many challenges that encumber the stakeholders who interact with them: users, developers
and the organisations that are built on top of smart contracts. This study aims to contribute to the
body of knowledge of smart contracts within blockchain technology. Based on a systematic
mapping study, we offer a broad perspective on their problems and corresponding solutions,
present the research trends within the area and compile the 64 papers identified, grouped by top
publication sources, channels, methods and approaches. We conclude that, since 2016, there has
been an increasing trend towards the publication of blockchain-based smart contract articles at
conferences and journals, mainly reflecting experiments and presenting methods, tools and
models. According to the results, the most commonly discussed problems and solutions in the
literature are related to the security, privacy and scalability of blockchain and the programmability of smart contracts.
2021-04-16 09:44:47
- 基于区块链的能源电力供需网调度优化模型 [pdf] 作者:胡伟,姚文慧 发表:系统管理学报 关键词::区块链;能源电力供需网;调度优化;激励机制;POW共识机制 年份:2019
过区块链的POW 共识机制,安排能源电力供需网各节点进行分布式计算,实现调度方案的二次验证与优
2021-04-16 09:43:07